With the Garden Club of Virginia’s annual Historic Garden Week tours upon us, here are a few suggestions for  plants you can grow and use in arrangements like those  you see on tour.  I highlight four arrangements here that were created for last year’s tour by the talented gardeners and arrangers Susan Robertson, Margy Brown, Ida Farinholt, Sally Ellington and Gretchn Japhet.  Almost all of the plants used in the arrangements came from their own and others’ gardens.

The mantel arrangement above is like a Virginia spring garden that snuck indoors.  The backdrop of the stone wall, rough hewn timber mantel and simple galvanized metal container is perfect for the natural arrangement displaying many native plants.  Included in the arrangement are false indigo (Baptisia australis, native), kousa dogwood (Cornus kousa — it’s cousin, Cornus florida, is native), lenten rose (Helleborus orientalis), dixie wood fern (Dryopteris x australis, native), Autumn Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora), the foliage of coral honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens, native) and Catmint (Nepeta x faassenii).

Kousa dogwood was used in the arrangement, but the native flowering dogwood, which flowers earlier and before it leafs out, is a fantastic choice for your garden.  Kousa dogwood, native to China, supports no insect herbivores.  Our native dogwood supports 117 species of moth and caterpillar as well as many other insects.

False Indigo, with its sweet pea-like flowers, is native, prefers part sun, and is attractive for its foliage and bloom.

Lenten Rose is one of my favorite plants.  It is evergreen, the blooms (actually the bracts), persist for up to three or four months, and it happily, but not aggressively, self-seeds. It is happiest in part shade or shade.

The native Dixie wood fern and the young (red) fiddlers of autumn fern were used in the arrangement.  Another lovely fern, which is native, is Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina).  It is more delicate than most ferns, but provides an airy sweep in the garden.

The greens in the arrangement above allow the spectacular peonies (Paeonia latifolia) and bearded iris (Iris germanica) to stand out.  Supporting players are both the native solomon’s seal (Polygonatum  biflorum var. commutatum and it’s variegated cousin (Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum ‘Variegatum’), false indigo, lenten rose, and  blue star (Amsonia tabernaemontana).

The iris used in the arrangement is bearded iris.  Above are two siberian iris cultivars (Iris siberica ‘Caesar’s Brother’ and ‘Butter and Sugar’).   Siberian iris, as well as the native blue flag iris (Iris versicolor) will tolerate wet soil conditions.  The sword-like foliage provides nice structure in the perennial border when the plant is not in bloom.

Amsonia hubrichtii (threadleaf bluestar) is pictured above.  The native Amsonia tabernaemontana (eastern bluestar) is pictured below with the native blue flag iris).  A. hubrichtii has spectacular yellow fall foliage. Amsonias tolerate full sun to part shade, and benefit from having their foliage cut by 1/3 to 1/2 after blooming for less floppy foliage (the foliage will continue to grow).

The native Giant Solomon’s Seal,  Polygonatum biflorum var. commutatum, can be found in Richmond’s James River Park System.  It will tolerate wet soil and prefers shade.

These bottle bud vases are such a great way to remove the stress of arranging and make use of the bounty of the garden at any given time in the growing season.  Early cottage roses and tulips join the catmint, lenten rose and greens for a lovely tableau.Single tulips underplanted with violas.

The roses above are in the gardens of Dumbarton Oaks.  I’m not sure of the species.

The arrangers took advantage of last year’s early spring, using these gorgeous, billowy peonies, and masterly pulling out the subtle deep and soft pinks of the lenten roses and peony buds.

Peonies intermingle happily with catmint, false indigo and boxwood.

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Another year, another stellar collection of flower arrangements by talented members of the James River Garden Club for Historic Garden Week. The women, as always, used mostly greens and flowers from their own gardens.

The team of Noni Baruch, Mary Frediani, Elizabeth Hickey, Sheila MacFarlane, Betsy Trow and Sarah Wiley took their inspiration from the beautiful 1798 farmhouse of Louise and Russell Bowles, which was on the Friday Richmond tour.

Version 2

Lady Banks Rose (Rosa banksiae), White False Indigo (Baptisia pendula), Larkspur (Delphinium, spp.), Ranunculus (Ranunculus, spp.), Blue Star (Amsonia tabernaemontana), Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis), Fern fiddlers.

Version 2

Tulip, Azalea, Blue Star, Lenten Rose, Lady Banks Rose, Anemone


Stinking Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) (a very unfair common name! — I think it smells like pepper) and Parrot Tulip


Peony (Paeonia, spp.),  Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum opulus ‘Sterile’), Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota), Speedwell (a guess — Veronica spicata?), Rose, Lenten Rose, Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus)  and Purple Kale (Brassica oleracea)

Version 2

Rhododendron (Rhododendron x PJM), Slender Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis), Variegated Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘variegatum’), Larkspur


Horse Tail Palm, Pussy Willow (Salix discolor), Arum (Arum italica), Lenten Rose


A close up of the Lenten Rose and Arum

Version 2

Tulip,  Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens — possibly the cultivar Sulpherea?)


Smokebush (Cotinus coggygria) (really stands out with the brick), Barrenwort (or Bishop’s Hat) (Epimedium  grandiflorum), Variegated Wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei),  Boxwood (Buxus, spp.), Pine (Pinus, spp.), Lily of Valley (Convallaria majalis), Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis),  and is that Hawthorn and Fennel tucked in there?


A close up of this magnificent arrangement


Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa), Pink Dogwood (Cornus florida ‘Rubra Pink’),  Honeysuckle, Protea, Calla Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica), Alstroemeria, Arum


Elizabeth Hickey at work.


Ranunculus, Anemone and Lenten Rose


Tulip, Protea, White False Indigo and Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthus genus?)


At Westover Plantation, homeowner Andrea Erda and her mother Muschi Fisher did the arrangements,

using only plants grown in Westover’s gardens.


Iris (not sure which — ensata? cristata?) and, perhaps Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)?

Version 2

Smokebush (the dark foliage), Virginia Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus), Viburnum — not sure which species, maybe American Cranberrybush Viburnum? (Viburnum trillium), and Spirea


Daffodil (Narcissus, spp.) and Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis)


Margaret Reynolds, Susie Rawles (both pictured above), Tenley Beazley, Deborah Valentine and Gaylen Reynolds provided gorgeous arrangements for Pamela and Clark McGhee’s light-filled home crafted of stone, glass and redwood.


Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum), Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa), Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), Lenten Rose, Variegated Solomon’s Seal, Snowball Viburnum


A close up reveals how the subtle neutral palette is enhanced by the washed out reds of the Japanese Maple and the Lenten Rose.


Hydrangea, Snowball Viburnum and Lenten Rose

Version 2

Garden Rose, Parrot Tulip, Lilac and Lenten Rose, with moss covered rocks at the base


The roses and lilacs used in this spectacular linear arrangement are from JRGC member Betsy Hamilton’s garden.

Version 2

Snowball Viburnum, Flowering Dogwood and Lenten Rose


Rose, Hydrangea and Sea Holly (Eryngium amethystinum).

To see more beautiful arrangements and other excellent coverage of Historic Garden Week, visit The Gracious Posse blog.

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During Historic Garden Week, gardeners from around the Commonwealth of Virginia cut foliage and flowers from the plants they grow in their gardens to use in arrangements that adorn the houses on the tour.  The arrangements not only showcase the talents of many floral artists, they also showcase some of the stellar plants that grow in Virginia. Consider planting a few in your garden.

Here’s just a small sampling of the arrangements created by James River Garden Club members this April, and some of the plants that star in those arrangements:

bleeding heart, viburnum

In the double arrangement above,  pink Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis), Guelder Rose — also called Snowball Viburnum — (Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’), Spirea still in bud, and Akebia vine (Akebia quinata) stand tall.



Akebia vine (Akebia quinata)


Vanhoutii Spirea

Van Houtte Spirea (Spiraea x van houtteii)


Bleeding Heart

Pink and White Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis)


bleeding heart arrangement

Bleeding Heart is also used in the arrangement above. Columbine (the native Aquilegia canadensis), Spanish Bluebell and its white cousin (Scilla Hyacinthoides), and Variegated Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’) casually spill out of a silver bowl.


Solomon's Seal

This is the native Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum biflorum).


Spanish Bluebells

Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica) are bulbs planted in fall. They bloom in April and May, then go dormant a month later. They spread freely. Photograph by Helen Horsley.


peony and euphorbia

This simple and elegant arrangement contains Ranunculus, Euphorbia and Lenten Rose.


Boxwood and helleborus

Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis)



Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae after bloom. It looks a lot like Pachysandra. It is evergreen, thrives in shade, and spreads freely when it’s happy.


Buckeye arrangement

This striking arrangement is all about the foliage.  The red-hued foliage of many shrubs, including Red Tips (Photinia x fraseri) and Andromeda (Pieris japonica) highlight the blooms of the Buckeye (Aesculus glabra). The white and pale green blooms of the Lenten Rose complement the reds.



Buckeye (Aesculus glabra)


Pieris japonica

A grove of Andromeda (Pieris japonica) in bloom. The new foliage emerges red, then settles into a nice green.


tulip and viburnum arrThe dramatic arrangement above includes the Spirea and Solomon’s Seal pictured earlier, but the leading ladies here are the Parrot Tulips taking a bow.  Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa) and Ranunculus anchor the arrangement.


Tulips and Deutzia

Tulips in varying shades of pink adorn a stone wall in Albemarle County. Deutzia gracilis, in the foreground, is about to pop.


Poet's Laurel

Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa) is evergreen, and lasts in a vase of water for a month.


daffs and hosta

So simple, yet so beautiful.  Hosta and Variegated Solomon’s Seal encircle Daffodils.


ferns and hosta

Several varieties of Hosta join ferns and Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) in this Maine garden.



‘Cheerfulness’ and ‘Sir Winston Churchill’ Narcissus bloom along the Capital Trees Low Line in Shockoe Bottom.


modern mantleThis modern arrangement has an abundance of greenery, including grasses, Poet’s Laurel, Variegated Solomon’s Seal and Arum (Arum italica).  Flowers are used sparingly, but to great effect.  They include dimuntive daffodil blooms, Lilac (Syringa, genus, I think it is ‘Miss Kim’), and Carolina Allspice (Calycanthus floridus).


The native Carolina Allspice (Calycanthus floridus)

The native Carolina Allspice (Calycanthus floridus)



Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)


mantleThe mantle arrangement above is a feast of textures and contrasting hues, with Photinia, Boxwood, Variegated Euonymus, Spanish Bluebells, Lenten Rose, Pachysandra and Native Azalea.  Photo by Betsy Trow.



Pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) is a great evergreen ground cover that tolerates tree roots.


church arrangementThis arrangement welcomes spring in all its glory.  Pink and peach Tulips, pink and lavender Azaleas, and pink Snapdragons blend beautifully with Snowball Viburnum (the OTHER Snowball Viburnum, Viburnum macrocephalum), Lenten Rose, Deutzia gracilis and greens.


Deutzia gracilis in the foreground, Kerria japonica in the background.

Slender Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis) in the foreground, Kerria japonica in the background.


Snowball Viburnum

Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum macrocephalum) can be trained into a multi-trunk tree.

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Parrot tulips

Historic Garden Week, “America’s Largest Open House” hosted annually by the Garden Club of  Virginia, has raised millions of dollars to restore some of Virginia’s most treasured landmarks and gardens.  The monsoon-like conditions last week did not put a damper on the festivities.  In this blog, I celebrate the creativity and hard work of the women of the James River Garden Club as they gathered flowers and greens from their gardens and pulled together some pretty spectacular arrangements.

delphinium harris

Delphinium, Tulips, Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa) and Sea Holly (Eryngium planum) radiate from a silver cup in the lovely home of Kristen and Barton Harris. Betsy Trow took many of the pictures (the best ones!)  in the Harris home.

sarah harris

Service with a smile: Sarah Wiley works on the dining room arrangements.

dining room harris

Tulips, Variegated Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’), Deutzia (Deutzia gracilis), Azaleas and Lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) are loosely arranged  in individual goblets.

viburnum entrance harris

Deutzia, Variegated Solomon’s Seal, Snowball Viburnum (Viburnum macrocephalum) and Snowmound Spirea (Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’) grace the front hall.

window harris

Talk about over-achieving — these tiny glass bud vases pack a big pink and green punch  with pink peonies, tulips and azaleas.  Wood Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae), Hosta and Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis) provide the preppy green counter punch.


Margaret Reynolds and Inge Sen (above) put the finishing touches on an arrangement (below)  containing Pink Dogwood (Cornus florida), Tulips, Lilac, Variegated Solomon’s Seal , Wood Spurge and greens.

pink dogwood harris

iris harris

This arrangement is like a walk in a Virginia spring garden. Foliage, including Blue Hosta, Autumn Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora), Ghost Fern (Athyrium ‘Ghost’), Coral Bell leaves (Heuchera, spp.), Barrenwort (Epimedium grandiflorum), Japanese Holly Fern (Cyrtomium falcatum) and Lenten Rose (I’m sure I’m missing some!), do the heavy lifting for the blue flowers of the Amsonia (Amsonia tabernaemontana) and Bearded Iris (Iris germanica).  The iris in this  spectacular arrangement makes me think of Swan Lake!

honeysuckle kitchen

The monochromatic kitchen sparkles with the silver julep cups and the Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens).  Snowball Viburnum (the OTHER Snowball Viburnum  — Viburnum opulus roseum) and Lenten Rose provide a subtle contrast.

susan mary harris

Susan Robertson and Mary Bacon identify the plants used in the arrangements.

fuchsia azaleas westAt Westover (I blogged about Westover Plantation last week), Muschi Fisher and her daughter Andrea Erda gathered Azaleas and Snowmound Spirea, above, and below, another variety of Azalea (‘George Tabor?’), with the Spirea and — I love this — a lone apricot Tulip.

lavender azaleas west

double vase wallace

The entrance to Caroline and Gordon Wallace’s beautiful Byrd Park home was framed by twin arrangements of Tulips, Slender Deutzia, Variegated Solomon’s Seal and Willow branches. Caroline is the owner of the Caroline Travels the World. She is well known for customizing exotic and adventurous trips throughout the world for her clients.


Masses of Ranunculus form a stunnning line and complement the art work in Caroline’s dining room.

hellebore wallace

A bunch of Lenten Rose and Deutzia grace a hall table.

viburnum wisteria

Two Snowball Viburnum are used in this arrangement:  Viburnum macrocephalum (the large, white Snowball) and Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ (the smaller Snowball).  Wisteria drapes below.


A mass of Peony (possibly ‘Festiva Maxima’?) fills this rustic container at the bar.

lily of valley

Nothing prettier than a bunch of Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis).

lilac wallace

White Lilac  and Lenten Rose brighten up the kitchen. Rosemary and Mint stand ready for use.  Lamb for dinner?

ma and betsy

Mary Anne Burke and Betsy Trow worked non-stop to ensure a successful Garden Week tour.

viburnum hosta

Jenny Andrews’s talent as an interior designer  was on display in her fresh, beautiful home. Jenny, who owns Andrews Designs, specializes in residential and resort design. In the kitchen arrangement above, Frances Williams Hosta frame Snowball Viburnum, Tulips and the tender new growth of Poet’s Laurel.

louise and jenny

Jenny and Louise Kirby work with the Hosta and Lenten Rose cut from a neighbor’s backyard garden.

azaleas andrews

Azaleas, Snowball Viburnum, Lenten Rose and False Indigo complement the pale blue palette of the room.

3 gals andrews

My Oak Lane buddies, Margaret Valentine, Jennie Gumenick and Margy Brown, work together like a well-oiled machine.

baptisia andrews

The picture doesn’t do this gorgeous arrangement justice. Deutzia, False Indigo, Allium still in bud, Lenten Rose and Variegated Solomon’s Seal cascade out of the classical cast stone urn.

tulips andrews

Pink tulips frame a beautiful painting by talented artist Tenley Beazley.

tulips hyacinth andrews

Less is more in this arrangement of apricot Tulips and Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanicus).

windowsill andrews

These sweet little bouquets, containing Azaleas, Bleeding Heart, Spanish Bluebells, Deutzia, Variegated Weigelia leaves and Coral Honeysuckle,  spice up the bathroom windowsill.

girls andrews

Having raided the neighbors’ yards for plant material and filled Jenny’s home with the fruits of their labor, the girls from the Hood call it a day.  Pictured, from left, Margaret Valentine, Margy Brown, Ida Farinholt, Louise Kirby and Jennie Gumenick.



Jeanette large

The creative juices are flowing in RVA this Christmas. The spirit of the season shines through in these festive arrangements lovingly put together by some of Richmond’s most talented artists. Jeanette McKittrick serves up a platter of pomegranates, grapes, artichokes, apples and pears, adorned with pine, cedar, freesia, Paperwhite narcissus and holly.


jeanette small

Jeanette fills a basket with more fruit, rose hips, pine boughs, boxwood, freesia, a little Dusty Miller, rose hips and eucalyptus pods.


Deborah mirror

A full-length mirror draped in pine and silk ribbon rests casually against Deborah Valentine’s front hall wall.


Deborah hydrangea mantle

On a mantle, Deborah threads a fuchsia ribbon through cedar, boxwood and dried hydrangea.


Deborah mantle

On another mantle, Deborah plays off the rustic, but gilded, mirror and candelabra with pine cones and a magnificent magnolia wreath  touched with gold paint.


deeborah lilies

A vase is filled with Lilies and Euphorbia.


deborah driftwood

On the sideboard in the dining room, Deborah filled her driftwood container with Poet’s Laurel, nandina greens and berries, lilies, orchids and Advent Purple Dianthus.  She “underplanted” the arrangement with a mixture of conifer boughs.


Sisk driftwood

Jennifer Sisk gave her driftwood container a more earthy feel, by filling it with Amaryllis, Moss and Cedar, then she hung a boxwood wreath from the mirror with a simple red ribbon.


Sisk amaryllis

Jennifer has used this gorgeous front hall mirror as the anchor for so many different looks.  It glows here, draped in cedar and framing amaryllis and magnolia.


Susan garden table

Susan Robertson keeps a progression of Christmas flowering bulbs on the garden table in her sun room.


Susan wreath

An exotic peacock feather wreath dazzles in Susan’s front hall.


Margaret wreath

Margaret Valentine adorns her ginormous boxwood and spruce wreath with a hot pink ribbon, which looks smashing on her front door.


Margaret silver

Margaret continues the glam look on her dining room table. Using silver candlesticks, vases and Julep cups, she fills the containers with all white flowers: lilies, roses and orchids.


Marg mantle angel

Margaret surrounded the funky Christmas trees on her mantle with moss balls, boxwood, roses and an angel trumpeting the joy of the season.


Noni mantle

Noni Baruch draped her mantle in cedar, added gilded pinecones and silver votives, filled  containers with berries and roses, then framed it with  towering containers of magnolia, lilies and willow sticks.


Noni sleigh In her dining room, Noni threw a shimmering runner on her table, then topped it with a silver sleigh filled with paperwhite narcissus, holly berries, greens and various  cones.


Bocky tabletopSpeaking of silver, Bocky used the color to dramatic effect in her dining room. Surrounded by silver goblets and candles, the beautifully arranged white and green arrangements really pop.


Bocky Winterberry

Bocky’s earthier side is on display on this mantle, where she covered simple containers with different mosses and lichen. The containers hold Winterberry stems.


Bocky posie

By adding the cluster of berries to this rose and hydrangea posy, a summery bundle is transformed into a Christmas arrangement.


Melinda mantle houston

Jeanette and Melinda Hardy create this spectacular, overflowing arrangement on Melinda’s living room mantle. Using greens as the base, they added sensuous pomegranates and sinuous Lysimachia.


Melinda magnolia mantle

Melinda matched the muscular mantle in the den with more robust magnolia for great balance and rich color. The feathery cedar branches provide wonderful contrast.


melinda table

Melinda and Jeanette filled a moss-lined container with cryptomeria, pine, ligustrum, lysimachia, paperwhite narcissus, thistle, orchids and pomegranates for an ethereal effect.


melinda close up

The pomegranates and thistle are dusted with glitter, giving this stunning arrangement a subtle glow.


St. Stephen's

The alter guild at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church put me in the Christmas spirit today. As I admired this pillar majestically adorned in the traditional greens of the season — pine, holly, nandina, cedar, magnolia and Poet’s Laurel — I was reminded that we decorate for the season with joy in our heart and  with the hope of peace on earth and goodwill to all.