Richmond glows in December, as its residents cut greens and bare branches, gather fruits and nuts, collect colorful ornaments and fabrics, and string lights.  These creative souls then drape their mantles, doors and tables with their festive arrangements and the results are nothing short of spectacular.


Jennifer Sisk’s hall mirror framed by greens




Jeanette McKittrick and Martha Crowley created a feast on Martha’s mantle.


Mary and Dick Fowlkes worked with Tom French Flowers to transform their beautiful Fan home, including this dining room mantle.


A Mantle at the Country Club of Virginia’s Westhampton Clubhouse sparkles.


This mantle is just greens — Paperwhites, Magnolia, Variegated Ivy, Fir wreath, with a bow created by Sarah Gibson.


Jennifer Sisk’s mantle and glass vase were featured in my Thanksgiving blog. Here, she again goes minimalist with Magnolia and Poet’s Laurel.


Katherine Hill and Bocky Talbott decorated Katherine’s home for the St. Catherine’s Open House.



Nan McVey, of McVey Valentine Interior Design, created this dazzling centerpiece by placing trees (bought at Paper Plus) on a mirrored tabletop, then scattering the table with pomegranates, nuts and branches sprayed with silver paint, and little silver containers (wedding presents) filled with chocolates (from For the Love of Chocolate).


Katherine and Bocky underplanted the orchids with greens and red Cyclamen.


This arrangement, with its metallic branches, complements the silver candlesticks on Mary and Dick’s marble-top table.  It’s softened by the lilies and moss.


Tom French Flowers had fun with Mary and Dick’s dining room table!


A silver bowl on Katherine’s dining room table is overflowing with Lilies, Bittersweet, Roses, Magnolia and Cedar.


A picture does not do justice to this smashing arrangement. Jennifer cut Paperwhite Narcissus and Amaryllis and tucked them in water tubes (hidden by the wood), then added Curly Willow, moss and Eucalyptus. It is fun to see how one container can be the source of such different treatments (see Thanksgiving blog, for an arrangement done by Deborah Valentine and Bocky Talbott in the same container). If Deborah can track down the man from whom she bought the wooden containers (on the side of the road), they’ll be available at her shop, V for the Home.


Debbie Berg gave Jennifer this artfully planted Amaryllis.


Ashley Wallace and Jeannie Schutt used Roses, Japanese Cryptomeria, Blue Atlas Cedar, Boxwood and Eucalyptus to create this beautiful arrangement.


Jeanette McKittrick used the traditional Christmas colors of red and green to dramatic effect in this stunning arrangement where Variegated Aspidistra leaves, Cranberries and Cinnamon sticks take the plunge.



Becky White, CCV’s Head Horticulturalist, does an amazing job keeping the grounds and containers looking spectacular year round.  Not surprisingly, she went to town on the Club’s urns.  


Becky decorated what appears to be a weeping Deodar Cedar.


Less is more, as Becky decorated only the base of the urn.



Any wonder why the kids all love Becky?


Mary and Dick’s front door: wow.


A river of lights cascades down the front steps of Mary and Dick’s home.


A gilded Magnolia wreath adorns the front of Deborah Valentine’s shop, V for the Home.


The Tuteur is stuffed with Magnolia leaves then strung with lights. 


My niece, Whitney, brought the outside in. She decorated a live Japanese Blueberry, and will plant it in her yard after the holidays. She’s near Jacksonville — wish we could grow those in Richmond. They look nothing like our Blueberry bushes!

Jeanette used the Christmas version of a Fig leaf for her little cherub.


Last, but hardly least, Mary and Dick’s shimmering Christmas Tree


In this Joyous Season, may you find the time to take a quiet walk on a beautiful crisp night and “wonder as you wander out under the sky.”


Burford Holly (Ilex cornuta ‘Burfordii’)

Winter may be knocking on the door, but that doesn’t mean that the garden is hibernating.  Plants are busy fruiting, budding, blooming or just looking gorgeous in their Winter furs.  Add a few of these plants to your garden beds, then fix a hot toddy and take an evening stroll through your Winter wonderland.




Aucuba (Aucuba japonica)


Aucuba berries ripen to a bright red in December.


Silver Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana ‘Glauca’)


The pale blue-gray berries on the blue version of our native Eastern Redcedar contrast beautifully with the silvery foliage.


Nandina (Nandina domestica) and American Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)


Nandina berries grow in thick, luxurious clusters.  American Boxwood cuttings make an excellent wreath.


Variegated Ivy Shrub (Hedera ‘Creme de Menthe’)


I have to admit that the fruit on the Ivy Shrub is a little “Lost in Spacey”.  But I love the creamy margin of the leaf.


Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) cone


The birds seem to have gotten to all of the fruits embedded in the Magnolia cones this year.  But the foliage and the cones are still a favorite cutting for wreaths and mantels.  The Southern Magnolia (the one pictured is Bracken’s Brown Beauty) can’t be beat for a screen, if you have the room.



Poet’s Laurel (Danae racemosa) and Stinking Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) naturalize under Dogwood (Cornus florida)


Several years ago, I planted about 5 Helleborus foetidus and one Poet’s Laurel (given to me by mason extraordinaire David Aldridge).  Eight years later, both plants have self-seeded to cover the understory of a Dogwood.  The new Helleborus growth is just emerging, and the berries on the Poet’s Laurel are ripening (if only they weren’t that ugly orange).


Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis)


Lenten Rose will begin flowering in another month or two (depending on the Winter weather).  Right now, they are busy pushing out lots of new growth.


Arum (Arum italicum)



Arum is Winter’s Hosta.  Arum goes dormant as Hosta leaves mature.  Just when Hosta go dormant, Arum leaves begin emerging from the fallen leaves of Fall.



Corsican Hellebore (Helleborus argutifolius)


The Corsican Hellebore is the first Hellebore to bloom (at least in my garden).


Winter Daphne (Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’)


Sadly, I’m very neglectful of my indoor plants and arrangements (right, Frank?).  Anything inside has to thrive on benign neglect.  I cut some Winter Daphne for a Thanksgiving arrangement this year, then forgot about it.  At the time, the flower buds were barely existent –very tight.  It caught my eye the other day and daggone if it isn’t beginning to flower.  I never thought of Winter Daphne as a forcing option.

Sweetbox Shrub (Sarcococca ruscifolia)


Both Sweetbox, the shrub (above), and Sweetbox, the ground cover (below), are in bud right now.


Sweetbox (Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis)

Tinus Viburnum (Viburnum tinus) in bud


Tinus Viburnum is one of my favorites.  Like Pieris (below), it sets its buds in Fall, and the buds persist through Winter, flowering in Spring.  I like both shrubs better in bud than in flower.


Pieris japonica


Wow, what a great season it’s been for Sasanqua Camellias this year!  They’ve bloomed their blessed little heads off.


Setsugekka Camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Setsugekka’)

Sasanqua Camellia (Camellia sasanqua), cultivar unknown

Yuletide Camellia (Camellia sasanqua ‘Yuletide’)



Fatsia japonica


Both Fatsia (above) and Pittosporum (below) are not considered hardy in Zone 7.  However, if planted in a protected spot (especially in the Fan), they tend to do just fine.  That said, a severely cold Winter may cause die-back, or even complete death.


Pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira ‘Variegata Winter Pride’)

Akebia quinata


Akebia, a native vine, is hardy here, but considered semi-evergreen.  It rarely loses its leaves in Winter.


Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) bark


Of course, nothing beats the beauty of the exfoliating bark of a Natchez Crapemyrtle (unless that Crapemyrtle has been subjected to Crape Murder).


Many thanks to Mary Bacon and John Crowder, in whose garden many of these pictures were taken.




As I write, greens and flowers are being cut and expertly pulled together  into stunning arrangements.  Alas, this Thanksgiving I was not able to get my act together to photograph those arrangements.  Instead, I’m reposting the first blog post I did on Thanksgiving arrangements, in hopes of inspiring you to have some fun with greens and flowers this week.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Some talented Richmond women got creative as they decorated for Thanksgiving.  They gathered the bounty of their Fall gardens, pulled out a variety of vessels, and went to work transforming the beauty of Nature into gorgeous works of art.


Deborah Valentine’s mantel. Arrangement created by Deborah and Floral Designer Bocky Talbott


Deborah Valentine, owner of V for the Home,  and Floral Designer Bocky Talbott chose a container made from tree bark.  The container picks up the grays in the gorgeous framed mirror.  Those muted hues are a great foil for the Bittersweet.  Hydrangeas from Deborah’s yard and exotic greens and flowers that Bocky found in a local flower shop complete the arrangement.


By Deborah Valentine and Bocky Talbott

This arrangement, sitting on a chest in Deborah’s dining room, contains dried Hydrangea, bright red Japanese Maple branches, Poet’s Laurel, Nandina berries, Pomegranates and seed pods.


Arranged by Deborah Valentine and Bocky Talbott


Deborah and Bocky refreshed an arrangement Deborah had done weeks ago, by adding Bittersweet and what appears to be a deciduous fern (just a guess — I have no idea what it is!) to the dried Hydrangea.  The faded green of the Hydrangea picks up the green in the pitcher, and has a calming effect on the bold colors that were added.


By Artist Margy Brown and her mom, Peggy Valentine


Margy’s mom, Peggy, brought Margy some of the last Roses from her beautiful Rose garden.  Margy, a talented painter, has a great eye for color and composition.  She took full advantage of the stunning Japanese Maple outside the study window, by framing the final Roses of the season with the brilliant red foliage.


By Margaret Valentine, of McVey-Valentine Interior Design


Margaret Valentine got jiggy with her linked bud vases (available at Paper Plus), taking advantage of the wealth of plants in her yard to create a lively, colorful tableau.  She used Lamb’s Ear, Rosemary, Salvia, Arum, Parsley, Fern, Knockout Roses and Black-eyed Susan, throwing in some florist Tulips that sport complementary Fall colors.  Then she sprinkled the table with Pomegranates and Maple leaves for a refreshingly different centerpiece.


By Landscape Designer Susan Robertson


Susan Robertson used the same vessels to create an arrangement with an entirely different look.  She chose elegant simplicity, in both color palette and plant choice.  The pink and white of the single Camellia Sasanqua (and the solitary Snowball Viburnum) are a nice respite from the usual Fall colors.



By Landscape Designer Susan Robertson


Taking inspiration from the paintings in the background, Susan gathered Japanese Maple branches (from both yellow and red cultivars) and combined them with Hydrangea that have turned a fiery red, then ratcheted up the volume by arranging them in the fabulous fish container (you can take the girl out of the Beach, but you can’t take the Beach out of the girl).


By Janie Molster, of Janie Molster Designs


Interior Designer Janie Molster composed an edible work of art for her table. I love the bounty of the harvest contained in a severe modern geometry, set on a rustic table.  Pomegranates, Clementines (with stems and leaves intact) and Brussels Sprouts still on their stalks support a hurricane with a candle nestled in dried cranberries.

By Floral Designer Jennifer Sisk

Jennifer Sisk’s centerpiece is a masterpiece.  She had a wooden box built about six feet long by 6 inches wide, then placed it on a a linen runner, overlayed with burlap.  She stuffed the box with Oasis, then filled it with a mix of flowers and greens from her garden and the flower shop.  The plants include Sunflower, Seeded Euonymus, Hydrangea, Lilies, Mums and Bittersweet. She then tucked in two candles.

By Jennifer Sisk


Jennifer tells me that the three stalks are from the protea family.  Check out its jagged blue-gray foliage.  Jennifer’s choice of Cat’s Tail, Variegated Aucuba and Seeded Euonymus tie the arrangement together, as does her repetition of the foliage in the water.  The grasses blend perfectly with the patina of the mirror.

By Jennifer Sisk


So simple, but so spectacular.  The use of only Japanese Maple and Oakleaf Hydrangea foliage (from Jennifer’s garden) make the vase and painting come alive.


Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help.  Gardening is an instrument of Grace.   May Sarton


I give Thanks for the generosity of my friends who shared their talents with us today.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Take advantage of a  crisp Fall day to get out in your garden and prepare it for Winter.

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) displays gorgeous color.


Cut back to about 2 inches any perennials that have browned or those that look ratty, such as Hosta, Peonies and  perennial Ferns.  It is OK  to  cut back the rest of the perennials now too, if you would like to get it all over with at one time.  But if you don’t mind getting back out there in late Winter, you can leave those perennials still adding interest to the garden.  Some perennials still looking good include  Japanese Anemone (Anemone japonica), Catmint (Nepeta), Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia), Salvia, Monkshood (Aconitum napellus), Hardy Geranium and Iris.

Japanese Anemone (Anemone japonica) continues to bloom.

I was surprised when I saw that the scarlet color blazing in the garden was Hardy Geranium (Cranesbill). The stems and leaves are bright red — I never noticed before!

Cut back the foliage of Evergreen Ferns and Lenten Rose (Helleborus) ONLY if it has begun to turn brown.  The new (and some of the old) foliage on these plants will look beautiful throughout the Winter.

Autumn Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora) is evergreen. It stands out in the Winter garden (but the fronds may break under the weight of ice or heavy snow).

Prune Annabelle Hydrangeas (Hydrangea arborescens) to about 2 feet.

Annabelle Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens)

You can prune the everblooming Hydrangeas now. The plants bloom on new wood (stems that develop on the plant in the current season’s growth), so they should still produce blooms  next Summer.

You can also prune Limelight and Tardiva Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) now.  These Hydrangeas also bloom on new wood, thus they can be pruned without sacrificing bloom anytime except late Spring and early Summer (when buds are set).  To keep as a 4 to 5 foot shrub, prune back to about 2 to 3 feet.   To train as a small tree, remove lower branches, and spindly or crossing interior branches.

This Limelight Hydrangea was pruned the prior November to about 3 feet. It produced smaller blooms, but a more graceful shrub.

Do not prune other Hydrangeas now (Lacecap, Mophead, Oakleaf), unless removing dead or diseased branches, or you will be cutting off next year’s blooms.

Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) has beautiful Fall color.

Shrub Roses can be lightly pruned now, with a harder pruning in late Winter.  Many of the Shrub Roses will look beautiful until we get a real hard freeze, and so  they can be left alone, or lightly trimmed to neaten the straggly branches.


Now is a great time to plant.  Plant Spring-flowering bulbs anytime until the ground is too frozen to work.

Spring Crocus bloom on a hillside at Dumbarton Oaks in Georgetown

Tabb Farinholt donated Grape Hyacinth and Daffodil Bulbs to St. Christopher’s School, then helped the boys plant them. They didn’t plant these until late January, yet they bloomed just a couple of months later.

Divide perennials (such as Hosta, Iris, Catmint, Daylilies), or transplant perennials that have spread (such as Lamb’s Ears, Japanese Anemone, Hellebores, Ferns).  Either add these to other areas of the garden, or share them with friends.

Iris can be divided in Fall or early Spring

Now is a great time to plant trees and shrubs.  My only concern is that you use your judgment when choosing the plants.  I’m wary of buying deciduous plants if they have lost their leaves or if they are in the process of going dormant, because I can’t tell how healthy the plants are.  Only buy plants that are robust and healthy.

Replace  Summer annuals  with Pansies, Ivy and/or evergreens in your containers.  The Pansies will thrive until the weather gets really cold, and will rebound when temperatures warm again.  The evergreens and trailing Ivy will look good all winter.


Rake or blow leaves onto your lawn, run them over with your lawn mower, then mulch your beds with the shredded leaves to a depth of about two inches. The mulch provides nutrients to the soil and Winter protection to the plants.  You also save money on mulch and fertilizer, and save the City from the expense of picking up and disposing of leaves.  Now THAT’S recycling!

Install a rain barrel, directing a gutter to empty into the barrel.  If you live in the City of Richmond, you can get credit against your Stormwater Assessment if you use this or other methods to retain stormwater on your property.

Feed the birds, either with a bird feeder, or by providing fruit-bearing plants.

Capturing stormwater on your property helps protect the James River and the Blue Herons who make it their home






Hydrangeas are one of the mainstays of the American garden.  They put on a show from mid-Spring to late Fall.  Although they are a fan favorite, their care and identification can be a bit mystifying.  This is an effort to clear up some of that confusion, so that you can choose the right hydrangea for the right spot, and give it the TLC it needs to reach its full potential.



The species Hydrangea macrophylla (meaning big leaf) encompasses the old-fashioned “Mop Heads” that bloom in a range from blue to pink, depending on the soil pH, as well as most Lacecaps, and the new “everblooming” hybrids.

Nikko Blue Mophead Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko Blue’)


THE CLASSIC MOPHEAD HYDRANGEA  is a deciduous shrub, 4 to 5 feet tall and wide, with large round blooms and glabrous 3-4 inch wide leaves.  Depending on the cultivar and the soil conditions, the blooms range from blue to pink.  The blossoms of the old-fashioned Mopheads (unlike the newer ever bloomers) progress, for the most part, at the same time — in mid-to late Spring, the blooms emerge, gradually intensifying in color until early Summer.  The blooms become more muted as Summer progresses.  Take the time to feel the blooms throughout the season.  When first emerging, they have a moist, delicate feel.  By mid-Summer, the blooms feel more sturdy, and by Summer’s end, they have  dried to a paper-like texture.  Early to mid-Summer blooms will last in water for at least a week.  The dried blooms of late summer will last, without water, until an errant baseball grazes it.


Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko Blue’ as the blooms begin to dry


LACE CAP HYDRANGEAS are 4 to 5 feet tall and wide, with large flat blooms that contain fertile flower buds (stay closed) and sterile blooms that open around the perimeter of the blossom. The Lacecap blooms mid-Summer, then fades to a pale blue, purple, pink or ivory color in late Summer.


Blue Lacecap Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Blue Wave’)

“Grocery Store” Lacecap Hydrangea


The “Grocery Store” Lace Cap, pictured above, is one of those Hydrangeas you pick up at the store during Winter, when you need something quick to put on the table because you just found out the dinner meeting is at your house tonight.  Every Grocery Store Hydrangea I’ve planted has not only survived, but thrived.  The one above is about five feet in diameter after about five years.


RE-BLOOMING HYDRANGEAS are a recent introduction to the market.  Growers have produced new cultivars of Mophead Hydrangeas that continue to produce new blooms throughout the growing season.  They are marketed under various names, such as Everblooming and Forever, and come in blues, pinks and whites.  Much of the gardening world has gone gaga over these Hydrangeas.  I have to admit that I am less than gaga about them.  I find the plants to be an assault on the eyes.  The lure of the classic Mopheads is its graceful aging.  Since each of the flowers of the re-bloomers buds, blooms and dries at a different time, the striking impact of a mass display is lost and the planting often looks kind of messy.

That said, I have found the cultivar ‘Blushing Bride’, with its creamy white blooms, to be a nice introduction, since the color range is necessarily in a more limited range.


Blushing Bride re-blooming Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Blushing Bride’)




  • Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko Blue’:  the classic Blue Mophead Hydrangea.
  • Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Queen of Pearls’:  a new introduction of a pure white blooming Hydrangea, that fades to a pale green.  Prefers some filtered shade.
  • Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Variegata’:  A Lacecap whose leaves have a white margin on the edges.


Variegated Lacecap Hydrangea



Prefers morning sun and afternoon shade, in well-drained soil.  Does not do well when competing with large tree roots.



Apply compost, composted manure or shredded leaves around roots. May benefit from a Spring application of 10-10-10 in the plant’s early years.  For blue flowers, add a few handfuls of aluminum sulphate to the soil in early Spring (making the soil more acidic).  Alternatively, add lime if you want the blooms to be pink (making the soil more alkaline).


Mophead Hydrangea sporting blooms of various hues (probably caused by the rooted layering of the branches in soil with varying pH levels)




  • Plant in a location where the Hydrangea will have the proper amount of room to grow, thus reducing the need for frequent pruning.
  • You may deadhead the blooms anytime (cut or snap off bloom without taking too much of the stem) without sacrificing future blooms.
  • Prune dead branches any time.
  • Other than removing dead branches and spent blooms, do not prune the first 3-4 years after planting.
  • Once the plant is about four years old, you can remove 1/4 to 1/3 of the older, brittle, woody, unproductive branches in Summer or Fall, before dormancy.  I wait until Summer or Fall because it becomes very easy to determine which of the branches are old farts. They either have no growth on them, or they have produced no blooms.
  • If you need to prune the shrub to reduce its size, do so no later than late July, since Macrophylla Hydrangeas begin producing the next year’s flowering buds in August, on old stems (stems produced prior to the year the stem flowers).  EXCEPTION:  Re-blooming Hydrangeas do not strictly bloom on old wood, and so you will get some blooming even if you prune during the prior Fall and Spring.


Hydrangea quercifolia, better known as Oakleaf Hydrangea, is a large, sprawling, beautiful, muscular deciduous shrub with 4 seasons of interest.  Blooms emerge in late Spring and turn pink in Summer. Leaves  become bright red in Fall and exfoliating branches provide winter interest.  In mild Winters, many leaves persist and hold their Fall color until new growth emerges in Spring.


Oakleaf Hydrangea ‘Snow Queen’ (Hydrangea quercifolia) in full bloom


Oakleaf Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub that grows up to 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide, with large leaves that look like lobed Oak leaves and large conical blooms (some sterile, some fertile) that emerge white, turning pink, then bronzy, and finally brown by the end of the Summer.  It is native to Virginia.


Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) in bud



Prefers morning  sun and afternoon shade.  Will bloom in dappled shade.  Requires well-drained soil– does not like wet feet.



Apply compost, composted manure or shredded leaves around roots. May benefit from a Spring application of 10-10-10 in the plant’s early years.


Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) ‘Snow Queen’




  • Plant in a location where the Hydrangea will have the proper amount of room to grow, thus reducing the need for frequent pruning.  Oakleaf Hydrangea get BIG!
  • You may deadhead the blooms anytime (cut or snap off bloom without taking too much of the stem) without sacrificing future blooms.
  • Prune dead branches any time.
  • Other than removing dead branches and spent blooms, do not prune the first 4-5 years after planting.
  • Oakleaf Hydrangeas bloom on old wood (stems that have existed since the summer before the current season). Once the plant is five years old, you can remove 1/4 to 1/3 of the older unproductive branches in Summer or Fall, before dormancy.
  • If you need to prune the shrub to reduce its size, do so no later than late July, since Oakleaf Hydrangeas begin producing the next year’s flowering buds  in August.
  • Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Snow Queen’: blooms are up to 8 inches long, and foliage turns a beautiful scarlet in Fall.
  • Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Little Honey’: I have not grown this new cultivar yet, but I have  heard rave reviews.  It growns to only 3-4 feet tall and sports chartreuse yellow leaves, turning medium green, and finally, in Fall, scarlet red.  Another dwarf to consider is ‘Pee Wee’.



Hydrangea arborescens, or Smooth Hydrangea, is native to Virginia’s woodlands.  Its most popular cultivar, Annabelle, has become synonymous with the species.  It is beautiful in a mass planting, and long lasting in flower arrangements.

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’


Smooth Hydrangea is a deciduous shrub, 4 to 5 feet tall and wide, with large round white blooms that fade to a pale green in late Summer, and ultimately turn brown in Fall (or earlier, under drought conditions).  The leaves are about 3-5 inches wide and 4-6 inches long, darker and thinner than the leaves of Hydrangea macrophylla.


The Hydrangea pictured below is a Lacecap version of the Smooth Hydrangea.  I did not know such a cultivar even existed until the one below bloomed in a client’s yard this Summer.  I had specified a mass of Annabelles, and all were identified as such by the nursery.  Thus, we were quite surprised when most of the Hydrangeas produced the typical large white globes, but a couple produced the lacecap.  The one pictured below is probably ‘White Dome.’  So that you ensure you get the cultivar you desire, I recommend either buying the plants in bloom, or holding on to your tags and receipt in case you get a misidentified plant.




Prefers morning sun and afternoon shade, or dappled shade, in  well drained soil.  It will bloom in deep shade as well, although not as prolifically.



Apply compost, composted manure or shredded leaves around roots. May benefit from a Spring application of 10-10-10 in the plant’s early years.



Unlike the Mophead or Oakleaf, Hydrangea arborescens blooms on new wood.  I treat this Hydrangea like a woody perennial.  I cut back all branches to about 18-24 inches in Fall or early Spring. It is fine to snip off blooms that have turned brown at any time.




  • Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’:  the classic Smooth Hydrangea.  Its 4-6 inch white blooms, fading to green, are an improvement on the species, which has a more understated bloom.
  • Hydrangea arborescens ‘Incrediball’:  Annabelle on steroids. Larger blooms, and stems that do a better job withstanding the weight of their blooms, especially when wet from watering or rain.



Hydrangea paniculata differs from the other Hydrangeas in two ways:  first, it prefers full sun, and second, it can be trained to grow into a small tree.  ‘Limelight’ and ‘Tardiva’ are the two most popular and widely planted cultivars.


Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’


LIMELIGHT:   A deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide, with a profusion of large oblong blooms that emerge pale green, become white, and  usually turn pink late in Summer.  The leaves are 2 inches wide and 3-4 inches long. The plant is spectacular from a distance because it is covered in blooms, but at closer range it is not a very graceful looking plant.  For this reason, it is important to take care in pruning it.


A new cultivar, ‘Little Lime’, has hit the market.  It is billed as a dwarf version of the Limelight Hydrangea.  While it is a smaller version of the Limelight, it sends out several longer shoots, making the plant look gawky.  Also, the blooms, while somewhat smaller than those of the Limelight, are still fairly large, and look out of proportion to the diminutive plant.  I’m not a fan.


Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’


TARDIVA:  A deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide, with  cone-shaped blooms that emerge pale green, become white, and  usually turn pink late in Summer. The leaves are 2 inches wide and 3-4 inches long. Although the Tardiva does not bloom as profusely as the Limelight, it is a more graceful looking plant than the Limelight.  Its natural habit is more tapered, and its branches are less spindly.



Prefers full sun and  moist, well-drained soil.  Will bloom less profuseley in part sun.



Apply compost, composted manure or shredded leaves around roots. May benefit from a Spring application of 10-10-10 in the plant’s early years.



Hydrangea paniculata blooms on new wood (stems that develop on the plant in the current season’s growth), thus it can be pruned, without sacrificing bloom, anytime except late Spring and early Summer (when buds are set).  To keep as a 4 to 5 foot shrub, prune back to about 24 inches in Fall or  early to mid Spring (see picture below).  To train as a small tree, remove lower branches, and spindly or crossing interior branches in Fall, Winter or Spring.


One observation I made in my own yard, that may or may not be true for the plants in general: the Limelights that I whack back completely tend to produce smaller, more rounded blooms (about 3-5 inches in diameter) than those I only thin, but let grow into small trees (blooms are more oblong, and about 6-8 inches long and 3-5 inches wide).


Tardiva Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’), annually pruned to stay small



Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris, also known as Hydrangea anomala subspecies petiolaris),  is a deciduous vine.  It usually climbs to about 10 feet, but can climb up to 60 feet.  Its  tendrils cling to rough surfaces.  It will grow on walls, fences and even trees.  I have seen it planted to scamper across the ground or rocks as well.  Flowers are off-white flat clusters, 6 to 10 inches across, with tiny fertile flowers in the center, surrounded by a ring of larger 4 petaled sterile flowers.  The exfoliating bark on the branches provides Winter interest.


Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea) drapes a fence and arbor in Maine



Will tolerate full sun to part shade, preferring morning sun and afternoon shade.  Soil should be rich, moist and  well-drained.


Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea) climbs a Sycamore (maybe a little too aggressively)


Apply compost, composted manure or shredded leaves around roots. May benefit from a Spring application of 10-10-10 in the plant’s early years.


Grows slowly its first few years. It often does not flower for at least 5 years after planting.  The vine grows out from its support, as well as up the support.  If outer growth is not desired, prune as necessary.  Otherwise, only prune for size, just after flowering.


Hydrangea petiolaris (Climbing Hydrangea) frames a window



Virginia Native Plant Society

North Carolina State University Department of Horticulture

Hydrangeas Plus

All About Hydrangeas

Michael Dirr, Manual of Woody Landscape Plants

Richmond Times Dispatch article by Nancy Ross Hugo many years ago