I will be forever grateful to Mary Bacon and John Crowder, who almost 20 years ago engaged this green (and I mean inexperienced, NOT environmentally savvy) landscape designer to work with them on their charming stone cottage, one of four Ernest Flagg designed houses in the neighborhood. Out of our 18 year collaboration  came three major phases of garden transformation and an enduring friendship.

When Mary and John moved into the cottage, what would become their front entrance was hidden by overgrown boxwood (some taller than the doorway) and HVAC units.  The footprint of the house was U shaped, and the door was in the center.

A mystery man walks by the cottage just before the removal of the boxwood.

Mary and John wasted no time making the bold move of ripping out the boxwood. They also relocated the HVAC units, exposing the charming facade for the first time in years.

We created a courtyard, reusing the slate to create a small entrance terrace with generous steps, and softening it with plants.

Boxwood, gardenia, crapemyrtle, pieris and camellia fill the planting beds. Akebia frames the doorway.

Next, we tackled the south side of the property.  Note the boxwood swallowing the lovely side porch landing.  We had many animated debates about whether to sacrifice or save the long-time resident, and in the end, decided to keep it and limb it up — marriage saved!

We installed large stone steps from the driveway to the south entrance, now visible through the limbed up boxwood.

Photograph by Helen Horsley

The backyard, choked with weeds,  sloped toward the house, creating drainage issues, and limiting the usable space in an already shallow backyard (about 20 feet).

Looking north across the east border of the property, prior to construction

We needed to accomplish a lot in that narrow space — screen for privacy and create a welcome gathering space for gilling, dining and relaxing. To meet our goals, we excavated the slope and  built a series of  retaining walls, easing the drainage, creating level space, and allowing for an intimate terrace. As we did with the front terrace, we created pockets of garden beds between the house and terrace for plantings to set off the beautiful stone of the house.

We engaged a mason who understood the importance of using materials and techniques complementary to the existing architecture.  David Aldridge was an extremely talented mason — Jamaica born, a former accountant (we shared the dream of leaving white collar jobs to work in the great outdoors).  David worked closely with John to match the stone walls to the house, handpicking each stone he used. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

Looking south toward a forlorn chain link gate and post, and toward the garage beyond

The terrace, post-construction. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

The woodland path, post-construction. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

The back facade, pre-construction

A recent sunrise photo of the terrace by John

Mary and John, with their newborn daughter Cabell, settled into the cozy stone cottage, but 8 years later they were ready to expand the footprint a bit.  Sensitive once again to ensuring a seamless transition in keeping with the Flagg design, Mary and John worked with 3north for the design of the addition.  I was tasked with continuing that transition in the garden.

Mary and John have  been good stewards of this special Flagg stone cottage.  Ernest Flagg wrote:

The most perfectly constructed object in nature, and also the most beautiful object in nature, is the human form as it approaches perfection. This, then, is the criterion of construction as it is of design. The study of its beauties is the veritable key to art… In the human form, as nature tries to make it, every feature is useful and every feature is beautiful. Each member is perfectly adapted to the function it has to perform; nothing is superfluous, yet the whole and every part is supremely decorative.

The Bacon/Crowders have not only embraced the Flagg design philosophy, they engaged, from the start, designers and craftsmen who practice with the same sensibility.

The north facade prior to construction

The north facade upon completion. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

Having created a series of intimate spaces in scale with the cottage, we continued the approach with two more outdoor rooms.  Once again, we used stone walls and plantings to define the outdoor areas, and stone walkways and steps to lead  from one space to the next.  John sought to manipulate the grade to create the feel of a sunken garden.

A practical challenge drove the  design for this garden, as is so often the case.  The door to the outside was in an ideal spot for circulation in the new  interior room, but left limited space for comfortable egress.  The solution? A quarter arced landing with repeating step, creating an axis from which we repeated the curve across the garden in the form of a stone retaining wall with inset stone seat.

A tight space to exit

Stonework near completion

The entrance post-construction. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

Looking north from the back terrace, prior to construction

The retaining walls and seat wall go in

The “sunken” garden post-construction. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

Cabell posing for a photo by photographer Rob Cardillo during a photo shoot for a feature in Traditional Home by Marty Ross

As can be seen in the drawing below, the stone seat  is the central feature, lying  on the central axis of both the back terrace walkway and the north path. 


Landscape plan for the north gardens


The entrance to the adjacent space, centered on the broad expanse of windows, was subtly defined by two boxwood.  A birdbath is centered on the windows, and a stone path along the axis bisecting the boxwoods leads to the north gate.

North garden during construction

North garden, looking toward the seat wall, upon completion. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

Mary, John and Cabell spent the next 10 years caring for their cottage and gardens. Cabell has  become a phenomenal squash player and Mary and John have nurtured and expanded the gardens over the years.  Mary, an uber-talented flower arranger, has become quite the perennial guru, growing lush, beautiful borders.  John is a meticulous gardener. He has patiently been training pleached beech hedges in the north gardens for the last 10 years, as well as espaliered fruit trees.  He used to  tell me he wanted planting beds with big shoulders — deeply cut bed lines with mounded soil.  I was perplexed about this desire until I saw the “big shouldered” beds in England and had that a-ha moment.

One of John’s broad-shouldered planting beds. Photograph by Helen Horsley.

Recently, Mary and John turned their attention to the detached stone garage, transforming it, again with the help of 3north, into a a  stunning guest cottage with accompanying shed and  tied together by a walled courtyard. I again collaborated with Mary and John on the garden, creating the retaining walls, steps, and circulation.  But the planting was all them.

The garage, after being gutted, its walls preserved

After construction and planting

With the help of Terra Forma Landscaping, John  transplanted and nurtured his beloved espaliered trees during construction.  Our top priority in creating the garden’s retaining wall was that it be large enough to accommodate one of the espaliered trees. 


From there, Mary and John took over, building a dry-laid stone wall along the south property line, and filling the beds with beautiful mature boxwood, hydrangea, clematis, honeysuckle and perennials.

Photograph by Gordon Gregory

Ernest Flagg said, “the best art, and the only art which will ever lead to great results, must have for its basis the interpretation of beauty in nature.”  Perhaps the Bacon/Crowders and Ernest Flagg are kindred spirits.


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Winter is the perfect time to critically evaluate our gardens. With many of the plants in dormancy, the strength of our gardens’ bones is revealed. Take a winter walk through your property to determine whether it might benefit from the incorporation of the following structural elements:




Whether lining a driveway with cobbles or defining the separation of the lawn and planting beds with brick, an edge makes a garden’s design stand out.

Brick defines this garden in Charleston.
At Mount Sharon (a Charles Stick garden), bluestone frames the lawn and draws the eye to the gazebo in the distance.

Cobbles separate the brick drive and lawn. A brick mowing edge (a rowlock flush with the lawn and perpendicular to a standing sailor) separates the lawn from the planting bed.

Groundcover is an excellent edger, if maintained properly. In this New Orleans garden, groundcover is planted in a robust swath, and provides a lovely natural frame to the (out of bloom) Agapanthus.

Cobblestone is an excellent edge for lawns. It holds up well to lawn mowers and string trimmers. Just be sure to take drainage into consideration when installing the cobbles.


A water feature can be a subtle addition to the garden, tucked into a corner, or a central feature. Be sure to add a spout or other means of water flow to prevent mosquitos and to add the alluring sound of moving water. When designing a water feature, I always make sure to soften and frame it with plants, to avoid a harsh assault of pavement.

This charming stone pool at The Priory in Wareham, England is tucked into a small garden, and contains plenty of pockets for perennials.

I separated this small pool from the stone walkway with a one foot wide bed of small periwinkle (Vinca minor).

This bog garden is also part of the Priory’s property.

An old brick wall is put to good use at Zero George in Charleston, where water spills into an Aubergine oil jar next to the hotel’s terrace.

At Pippin Hill Farm and Vineyards, outside Charlottesville, the capture of rainwater is transformed into a lovely water feature. The water is directed from the roof into this cistern, then channeled through a rill.

A stepping stone “bridge” is built over a small stream at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, bringing the visitor closer to the wetland plants.


Transitions are critical in a garden. Incorporate a gate, arbor or other feature that beckons to highlight the movement from one garden space to another.

This lattice fence separates two gardens in Princeton, New Jersey.

This wide lattice at Dumbarton Oaks in Georgetown (designed by Beatrix Farrand) separates two garden rooms, but also frames the view into that room.

Neighbors share this side entry from front to back gardens, with a tall picket fence and a rose covered arbor.

Charleston utilizes their minimal space between houses better than any city I’ve seen. Here, brick columns and a wrought iron gate provide the transition.

Climbing hydrangea clings to and spills over a lattice fence in Maine.

The opening in the old stone walls elevates what would otherwise be an insignificant path.


Even the slightest change in grade in a garden is an opportunity to introduce a beautiful wall. Plants are always enhanced when enveloped by a wall made of natural materials.

This stone wall in Atlanta is softened by evergreens, including espaliered ligustrum.

This stone retaining wall in Kansas City levels a lawn that sloped to the curb.

We killed two birds with one stone (OK, many stones) in this garden when we built this seat wall opposite the entrance to a charming stone cottage.

A slight rise in the grade of this yard allowed us to introduce a drylaid stone wall to add interest to this Richmond garden. A Princeton garden took advantage of the same opportunity, below.


Circulation is the thread that holds a garden together. A garden should lead us from one space to another, sometimes subtly, other times audaciously. There is a hierarchy in landscape walkways. Broad paths, usually mortared, signal direction to a main entrance. Stepping stones set in the turf or garden bed lure the garden lover or the curious to, quite literally, get off the beaten path and explore.

This bold brick walkway plays off the curved bedlines, and takes a languorous route to the house.

Rectilinear stepping stones set firmly in the turf with a good stonedust base provide an excellent secondary garden path.

This secondary garden path, leading from the main terrace to a side terrace, is also effective. It is tumbled bluestone with sand joints.

Fieldstone bisects this perennial border.

Bluestone winds its way through a woodland garden. Anytime you have a bed deeper than 6 to 8 feet, you have the opportunity to run a stepping stone path through it. This helps with maintenance and allows the gardener to create a secret garden within the garden.

Grass is a fabulous path, and works well in country gardens.


A well-designed landscape uses focal points to enhance the garden’s structure. A focal point can be a seat, an urn or some other garden ornament. It can be on an obvious axial point, or more subtly tucked into a corner of the garden.

This stone seat is along a woodland garden path at the Maine Botanical Garden.

This staddle stone, set in a lawn path at the Priory in Wareham, England, is beautifully framed by the Ware River and the natural stream-edge plantings.

These urns and pedestals in New Orleans echo the rectilinear garden design and flank the primary walkway.

This tuteur sits at the center of two intersecting paths, and so is seen from four viewpoints in the garden. A matching tuteur sits on axis from this one across the garden by the pool.

This iron bench and table sit on axis with the garden entrance.

A defunct tiered iron fountain was transformed into a lovely planter in this Richmond garden.

On a recent visit to London, I was captivated by the container plantings. This planting — espaliered magnolia underplanted with cyclamen in a converted galvanized tub — is repeated along this series of town houses.

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The Cottage Gardens of the Priory Hotel

When in Dorset, England, make your way to the Priory Hotel in Wareham.  The Priory sits quietly along the River Frome in Wareham, and boasts four acres of intoxicating gardens.



I visited in June, at the height of the perennial show.  Below, poppies are just beginning to bloom along the River Frome.

Valerian is ubiquitous in the English countryside.  Here, it grows out of stone walls that contain pockets of soil.


Peonies, framing the lawn and the river terrace,  are about to burst into bloom.


The Priory’s gardens are filled with roses.  To support the climbers and other vines. gardeners have constructed beautiful, rustic, sturdy trellises and arbors from local wood.


The arbors and fence below are made from local raw timbers.

Stonework is the backbone of the Priory’s gardens.  Below, a cast stone bench complements the stone walls and walkway.

Roses cascade over the stone wall and arch, below.

The Brits’ use of plant supports is practical and effective.  Here, simple chicken wire supports sweet peas climbing a wall.

Water features are around every corner.  This one is in a secret courtyard. The geometric stone pond and walkway are softened by pockets of perennials.

Even the garage (pardon, car park!) is charming.

I could get used to poking my head out of this window every morning.

Perennial beds are enclosed by high evergreen hedges with arched entryways.

Other garden rooms are separated  by stone retaining walls, with entrances defined by broad stone steps. We played a mean game of croquet on this lawn just before leaving (kicking and screaming).

Calla lilies grow along the water’s edge.

This staddle stone sits happily along the river, nestled near the ginormous leaves of gunnera.

Campanula scampers up the stone.

The gardeners stake the peonies with bamboo sticks and twine.

They take their composting seriously at the Priory!

The Priory exemplifies English gardening at its best.  A large expanse of property has been crafted into formally laid out rooms, made intimate and alluring through the use of rustic complementary materials and a rich and informal palette of plants.


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Can we all agree that no city does window boxes like Charleston?   Whenever I visit, I prowl the neighborhoods looking for the most recent gorgeous window box plantings. The ever-expanding availability of subtropical and tropical plants in nurseries these days allows those of us in temperate zones to enjoy such exotics in our containers and gardens during the upcoming warm months. I’m hoping that these beautiful Charleston containers will provide inspiration as we enter the “annuals” season.    I apologize in advance that I can’t identify all the plants used in these containers, but I’m giving it a shot!

This cool-toned  box features plumbago, dusty miller, solanum, ligularia, and “Blackie” sweet potato vine.

From cool to hot — The red bloom of the begonia is repeated in the veining of the caladiums, with  variegated ivy tying it all together.

Imagine this streetscape without the creeping fig on the steps and the simple window box (with sweet potato vine and calibrachoa) on the gate.  It would be stark indeed.

The variegated cyclamen and heuchera foliage in the picture above  complement the dark shutters and window box. The spilling conifer and fern add to the dark mood.

This standard Gardenia is set off nicely by the base annual and ivy plantings.

All the window boxes, with the exception of the one above and below, are mounted on a neutral background.  Brick foundation is a bit more challenging, but these boxes pull it off, I think.  Above is a soft range of blues and whites, including  salvia, sweet alyssum,  scaevola, petunia, and maybe some angelonia.

A livelier palette works against this brick foundation. I spy angelonia, calibrachoa, scaevola, solanum, salvia, hibiscus, and caladiums, among other plants.

A simple but effective combination of caladiums, ivy and . . .

Note the ingenious watering mechanism in this window box (above and below).  The cord feeding the box is painted black when against the box, white against the clapboard, then black again as it snakes behind the lattice at the base toward its water source.


The window boxes above and below take their cue from the elegant architecture.  No need to compete here with a riot of color.  Plenty of green, with a hint of color, complements the sophisticated facade.


I love the one mega-box spanning the three windows — a Mediterranean feel.

The final three photos are of one residence in three different years.  The plant palette takes full advantage of the home’s gray shades.  Above, begonia, fern, setcreasea ‘Purple Queen’ and caldium, among other plants, spill out of the box.

This is so simple, but so effective — white begonias and Kimberly fern.

This year, the box uses succesful plants of the past, then adds Mona Lavender (Plectranthus).

Frost date in Richmond has passed. It’s time to start creating your own masterpieces!

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Before and Afters are an effective tool to help gardeners  see the possibilities for transformations in their own garden spaces. This B and A  takes me back several years to a memorable collaboration with Ben and Loretta English.  Ben and Loretta, who have great insight and taste, brought out the best in all of those who renovated the Englishes’ gardens and they were an absolute  delight to work with.


The front renovation began with a focus on the front door.  Loretta, who has a keen eye for design and a great sense of scale and proportion, felt that the front entrance needed a stronger presence to balance the facade, and so framed the door with a deeper coved hood.  Taking a cue from this enhancement, we  took the opportunity to add a broad, generous landing and a  U-shaped drive to further open up the entry.





The landing is paved with select bluestone in a stacked stone herringbone pattern, and bordered by brick.  A small boxwood hedge (Buxus ‘Justin Brouwer’) and Small Periwinkle (Vinca minor) frame the landing.

Planting a U drive’s island can be tricky.  Rarely is the island on axis with the front door. Here, we planted an S curved laurel hedge (Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’), the apex of one curve in line with the center of the front door, with sweeps of hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Nikko Blue’) nestled in the curves.  On the street side, we planted a ground plane of pachysandra (Pachysandra terminals).


We paved the driveway in brown crusher run and edged the driveway in cobblestone, with a cobblestone apron at the street’s entrance.

To make way for the drive, we removed a  a magnolia, and added a brick wall to hide the service and parking area.





We softened the edges of the house by planting Crapemyrtles (Lagerstroemia indica ‘Natchez’) on the two corners of the house. We kept the foundation planting simple, with a mass of evergreen Lenten Rose (Helleborus orientalis), Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides ‘Frostproof’), and Camellia sasanqua. White Dawn climbing rose drapes over the new wall.









On the east side, we separated the foundation plantings from those along the east side of the  driveway with a stepping stone path.  We loosened up the plant palette with Oak Leaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia), Prague Viburnum (Viburnum pragense), Variegated Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum odoratum variegatum)  and ferns.  We planted Japanese Maples (Acer palmatum) at each entrance to the driveway.


We had a lot of fun in the back.  The Englishes had decided to add a pool, and Ben asked whether we could use the excavated dirt to add elevation to the garden.  Well.  That was music to my ears.  I LOVE to use the slightest grade change as an opportunity to add  garden elements such as walls and steps.   These features transform a garden, giving it structure, definition and depth, and it drove  the design for the Englishes’ backyard.

We divided the garden into three north-south sections, and then within those sections created several distinct spaces.  The gardens are arranged using strong axial lines, both north-south and east-west, so that each space beckons from another.

The East Section

The pool and  pool house were placed in the furtherest east section, and we left it the same grade as the house, as we needed to tie in circulation with little room to maneuver. We used select bluestone in a diamond pattern for the pool terrace, and edged it with brick, to complement the brick house.









The steps between the pool terrace and the raised garden are wide and expansive, with deep bluestone treads and short  stacked-stone risers.  Small periwinkle (Vinca minor) softens the hardscape and Russian Sage  (Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Little Spike’) spills over the stacked stone wall.


A view toward the pool house from the central garden lawn.


Standing on the pool terrace looking north toward the house.  We added a stepping stone path, with grass joints, to lead from the pool to the central courtyard. 

The Central Section

The central garden is divided into a lower and an upper garden.  The lower garden is a formal courtyard, which acts as the  central hub, connecting the pool, the garage, the upper garden, and the arbored terrace.



The beloved Brewster.




img_2731The new brick garage (which replaced the wood shed) and brick wall provide a sense of enclosure for the backyard. The planting beds are edged in brick in what I call a Gillette border.


Looking east,  toward the pool.  The central parterre is edged in Boxwood (Buxus ‘Justin Brouwer’), and filled with tulips in spring and Catmint (Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low’ ) in late spring, summer and fall.

Version 2

Looking south, toward the upper lawn, above.   The stacked stone retaining walls and broad bluestone steps are centered on one sweeping shallow radius.   Loretta found the gorgeous urn, perfect in scale and patina, to place on the central axis.

Running with Ben’s idea to use the excavated pool dirt to create elevation, we built stone walls on three sides to create a raised lawn and borders, about three feet above the otherwise very flat grade.  Gently arced steps frame the upper garden and lead to the central courtyard.  The upper garden’s expansive central lawn is flanked by perennial borders, and punctuated by an allee of Winterking Hawthorn. The Hawthorns’ branches are covered in red berries in fall and winter. Steps lead to the pool to the east, and to the informal garden and garage to the west.









Looking south along the central axis of the garden, toward the terminus bordered by existing American Hollies (Ilex opaca).  We added Limelight Hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’) flanked by Chastetree (Vitex agnus-castus).  Loretta found the rustic bench, and we placed it at the south end of the lawn.


Looking south west, from the pool terrace.  Along this same axis are steps that bisect with the tuteur and lead to the more informal west garden and the garage.


Looking northeast, the perennial border in full bloom with Siberian Iris (Iris siberica ‘Caesar’s Brother’), Catmint (Nepeta x ‘Walker’s Low’), Peonies (Paeonia latifolia), and False Indigo (Baptisia australis).

The West Section

The west section was divided into three spaces.  First, the Englishes replaced a small shed with a 2 story garage. We placed an irregular stepping stone path parallel to the garage, where it terminates at a wood tuteur planted with Confederate Jasmine  (Trachelospermum jasminoides). To the east of the tuteur are steps that lead to the upper lawn and continue to the pool. To the west is a path to the informal garden, where we filled the planting beds with the plants we dug up during the renovation.



The Englishes had little screen from their neighbors, above, and from the parking area, below, before  the renovation.






The stepping stone path leads to the nexus of the entrances to the central upper garden on the left, and the informal garden, on the right, which can be seen in the background.


The iron grillwork that Loretta found at Caravati’s softens the brick facade of the garage.  White Dawn climbing rose are supported by the ironwork.  The  silver foliage of Lamb’s Ears (Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’) and Bearded Iris (Iris germanica) play off the cool colors of the stone.  Ben installed “temporary” fencing to protect the garden from their puppy’s shenanigans.


Spirea (Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’) spills over the path from the tuteur to the informal garden.

The Englishes have generously shared their renovated garden with many, hosting their kids’ teammates and friends and opening for garden tours benefitting the community. Their vision and beautiful taste shaped the garden, and our collaboration with the talented and hard-working  masons, carpenters, general contractors and, most especially, the late great landscaper William Lowe, ensured that the plans were faithfully and skillfully executed, resulting in a well-loved garden.


Many of the AFTER photographs (the good ones — you can tell the difference!) used in this blog were taken by the uber-talented Helen Horsley.